- His lower lip trembled in agitation. 因为激动,他的下唇微微颤抖。
- "I thank you," Varian said, though his lower lip trembled slightly. “感谢您,”瓦里安回答道,他的嘴唇还是有点发抖。
- His lower lip trembled. 他的下唇在颤抖。
- The little boy used to push out his lower lip. 那个小孩以前老要撅起下嘴唇。
- Her lower lip trembled in agitation. 因为激动,他的下唇微微颤抖。
- His lower lip hung loose in bewilderment. 他迷惑地张着嘴。
- He -ried his lower lip with his teeth. 他用牙咬着下唇。
- He - ried his lower lip with his teeth. 他用牙咬着下唇。
- He-ried his lower lip with his teeth. 他用牙咬着下唇。
- He bit his lower lip, and endured the pain. 他强忍疼痛,咬破了自己的下唇。
- He caught his lower lip with the edge of white, even teeth. 他那洁白平整的牙齿咬着下唇。
- Hung it on his lower lip, snapped a match across the rusty place on the dash. 叼在下嘴唇上,在仪表盘的生锈处擦着一根火柴。
- He lowered his voice and leaned closer, with his cigarette-stub stuck to his lower lip. 他压低声音凑过来,香烟屁股沾在下嘴唇上。
- Milo's mouth is crooked because he was born with dead nerve endings in his lower lip. 下嘴唇末梢神经坏死。。。应该算是小残疾吧。。
- He begins to mold his hands;his lower lip droops.He looks completely frustrated. 他开始摆弄自己的双手,下唇也放松了,一副十分垂头丧气的样子。
- When someone shrugs his shoulder, rotates his hand or raises his lower lip, Lightman knows he's lying. 通过对脸部表情的分析,他可以读懂一个人的感情--从隐藏在心底的憎恶,到性的冲动,再到嫉妒。
- "Her name Belle Watling," said Uncle Peter, his lower lip beginning to protrude . "她叫贝尔-沃特琳,"彼得大叔答道。
- His head hit the floor, his left cheekbone was scraped and his lower lip was contused. 头撞到地板上,造成左颧骨擦伤,下嘴唇也有一处挫伤。
- "Her name Belle Watling," said Uncle Peter, his lower lip beginning to protrude. "她叫贝尔 - 沃特琳,"彼得大叔答道。
- Long dark hair swung in braids about his chiseled face, the tasseled ends occasionally striking the long tusks that jutted up from his lower lip. 同样漆黑的长发扎成辫子吊在他棱角分明的脸上,末端的流苏不时接触着他下颚突出的獠牙。